Use this slider to set the length of time your keyboard and mouse must be idle before Sleeper activates the screen saver.
If you need to enter a delay that is beyond the slider’s range, option-click on the slider and then type in the value you want.
You must turn on the screen saver before you can adjust its delay time.
Clicking on this radio button tells Sleeper to dim your screen immediately when you place the mouse in this corner of your monitor.
Sleeper will dim the screen immediately when you place the mouse in this corner of your monitor.
To choose a different corner, click on the radio button in that corner.
Clicking on this radio button tells Sleeper not to dim your screen when you place the mouse in this corner of your monitor.
This will keep the screen awake even if your Mac has been idle for longer than the screen saver delay time.
Sleeper will never dim the screen when you place the mouse in this corner of your monitor.
This slider controls the brightness of the monitor when it is dimmed.
When you move the slider, the screen will dim to show you how it will look when the screen saver is active. Option-click on the slider and type in a brightness to bypass this.
You must turn on the screen saver before you can adjust its brightness.